Special Thanks

From the moment Jess was diagnosed right through to now, my family and friends have been my rock. Without them, I’m not quite sure I’d be holding up strong today. Their ongoing support has been amazing and I am lucky and thankful to have them all. From diagnosis to fundraising, it’s fair to say they’ve lived through the journey with me. Indeed a handful of them are running the Sheffield 10k with me in September and that’s where the “TeamJess” branding was born (thanks Liz!) Extra special thanks go to Russell (affectionately known as Jonny by Jess), for always, always being there and for living with me through the ups, downs and copious amounts of tears! And of course, for inspiring me to build this website 😀

The LGI in Leeds have continued to be a huge support too, especially in trying to help us process what has happened and connecting us to helpful organisations too, be it from grief counsellors, to memory box makers. I’ll try and list the organisations who have helped me, so others that may need them can reach out too.




