I launched Team Jess just last week,
Over 3000 people have since had a peek!
Many have contacted me after to say,
It’s nice to mark Jess, in such a unique way.
It’s been lovely to hear from friends old and new.
Many have said they’ve not known what to do.
So I thought I’d tell of what we’ve done to cope,
It might inspire others who need it, I hope.
In the first few weeks I knew not what to do.
I wanted a roadmap, from someone who’s been there too.
But quickly I learned no two people are the same.
Grief can be such a long, lonely game.
Sometimes you win, smile and reminisce.
Often you dwell on what you’ve lost and miss.
But one thing’s for sure, life has to go on.
Jess with us in spirit, albeit in person gone.
Brave and inspiring, is what many have said.
But in fact our inspiration has been very Jess led.
She was brave and bold and lived for today.
So we’ve tried to grieve in much the same way.
Not planning ahead, one day at a time.
Deciding each day what mountain to climb.
Keeping as normal as we could manage.
Choosing when we’d dwell on grief’s big challenge.
Collecting old memories feels comforting right now.
But very recently it made me sad, somehow.
Be it photos, conversations or memories of a prank.
The balance ebbs and flows in the ‘coping with grief’ bank.
Making memories at home, with friends and with school.
I imagine she’d think they’re all rather cool.
Be it rings with her ashes or plants in the ground
It’s a nice way to keep Jess always around
Weird stuff still happens, although not every day.
Be it lights flickering on, or white feathers on the way.
Some think I’m mad, my mind playing tricks.
I take some comfort, it helps me to fix.
So if you know someone who’s grieving too.
There probably isn’t much you can do.
I’ve been so grateful for people just going with the flow.
That’s been the best support people could show.