So this year is our 5th year of trips without being a 5. Five years of missed experiences and adventures. That said, as is always the case, Jess is always with us in spirit, and never more so that on our name spelling trips.
’I’ this year was a tricky one….. Iceland, Ireland? Far too straight forward; far too non Jess! So in true mischief making style, this year was about the London ‘Eye’. Seeing the bright lights and buzz of London was something Jess never got to experience, so it felt fitting for her to ride up high and see it all in one go from above.
As we steadily soared into the sky, we spotted plenty of famous landmarks, as well as a plethora of swanky apartments where she would have undoubtedly one day wanted to stay. We checked the flag at Buckingham palace to see if the King was in, tried to spot the 02 where we had been only the day before, tried to count the red buses and boats. It felt very much like the Where’s Wally books that Jess loved so much! It wasn’t lost on me that the trip round was over far too quickly; much the same as Jess’ time with us. And as we stepped off the wheel, Big Ben bonged 12 times – she’d have loved that; I can imagine Jess would have felt cheated by anything less! PM began (post mischief as well as the afternoon) and we wandered off past Westminster, Downing Street, Pall Mall and in search of food. Mischief making, after all, always was hungry work!