Sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to separate how you actually feel from how you think you should feel. Today is one of those days.
I looked down at the concrete,
Grey and cold and bare.
So many times we’ve been here,
But now you’re no longer there.
Your 3 year ‘departversary’,
And our loss feels so severe.
I’ve been trying to muddle through,
Behind a positive veneer.
And then from out of nowhere,
A rainbow reflects from the glass wall.
“Mum will you STOP getting upset;
I’m still with you after all!
I’m with you in your heart,
Although I’m not standing exactly there.
I’n trying to send some signs,
That I’m actually EVERYWHERE.”
You know that I’d have loved that,
I was so much larger than life.
I always said I’m greedy,
And now I’ve got an afterlife!
So I’m not sad and gloomy,
I want you to feel that too!
Even though I was only eight,
When life as we knew it was through.
This rainbow that’s before you,
Shows the full and vibrant life that I had.
And although you miss me deeply,
Please focus on all the fun. Don’t be sad.”