How are you marking the anniversary?
A couple of people have asked.
The date our whole world changed;
The day you tragically passed.
But missing you doesn’t go away.
Nor do the hopes we had for you.
So a specific calendar date,
Doesn’t change my point of view.
So how are we marking 5 years?
With an acknowledgement that time feels weird.
And that last time we saw you feels so real,
Yet only memories have filled the last 5 years.
But we treasure all memories of you ,
Filled with stories that I love.
And I hope the message gets through,
If you are watching from above.
Today I hope you see us celebrating,
All the things that you stood for.
Starting of course with food,
And sausages that you adored!
A day full of bravery,
Of boldness. and mischief.
Because celebrating your spirit,
Is way better, than wallowing in grief.